Preserving Digital Privacy on Social Media
As the technology advances, our digital footprints are getting significantly more important. Once something is posted online, they can never be undone completely. Screenshots or traces of evidence will still be floating around the internet, just not shown to you, but it could still be found!
Companies such as Facebook could use your information to deliver personalized advertisements, things that you have previously shown interest in could potentially be sold to advertisers. By saying information, it goes way beyond your age, gender and where you live, but things that you are interested in can be inferred from the posts you like, the things you post, your current location and even digging deep into your private messages with friends.
We believe there are two aspects of staying safe on the Internet: digital privacy and digital security. Digital privacy refers to your ability to control and maintain the flow of your personal information online, while digital security refers to your means of protection against unauthorized attempts to access your personal information.
We made a website with tips for staying safe and private online. The website has a video which shows an experiment we made to see how much info we can find online about two people by only using their name (spoiler: a lot).
Check out our website on Preserving Digital Privacy on Social Media