Sustainable Agriculture as a Solution to Enhance and Maintain Food Security
As the world population rapidly increased, the issue of how to feed the global population has risen accordingly. Massive food production enabled by the conventional farming system seemed likely to produce enough food resources to feed the whole population. However, as the limitations and detrimental aspects of conventional farming revealed, the need to tackle global food security in more sustainable ways has been raised. Sustainable farming is an alternative proposed by various agricultural organizations to meet the needs of restoring food security. In this video, four sustainable farming methods from Thailand and the Netherlands are introduced to answer our research question, “To what extent are Thailand and the Netherlands adopting sustainable agricultural systems in order to facilitate and enhance food security?”. Thailand adopts methods of organic farming and New theory farming, while the Netherlands invests in research of precision agriculture and biological pest and disease control. For each sustainable farming method, we discuss if the method is plausible in terms of facilitating sustainability and global food security. We conclude by comparing and contrasting the farming methods presented between two countries and examining the significance, limitations, and further recommendations of sustainable agriculture regarding the multidimensional concept of food security.